The installation ‘Espèces d’espaces’, a punched vinyl flooring sheet and a series of A5 cards, refers to the aesthetics of home movies and DIY videos. The rather clumsy layout and the use of found footage reinforce the everydayness of the scene while the scientific phrases taken out of context reinforce the ironical mood of the situations.
Katrien Kolenberg is researcher of astrophysics; her expertise includes photometric and spectroscopic studies of pulsating stars. Astronomical research also has aesthetic and emotional dimensions. It deals with our cosmic roots, our place in time and space, and the origin of the universe, galaxies, stars, planets, the atoms and molecules of life, life itself. It reveals a huge universe, chaotic and fascinating.
Bea Albers and Reggy Timmermans transpose this immense greatness into the little everyday.
Their work draws from both popular culture and scientific language.
This project is a collaboration between:
Artists: Beatrijs Albers, kunstenaar en docent Interactieve Media, SLAC/Beeldende Kunst en Reggy Timmermans, kunstenaar
Scientist: Prof. Katrien Kolenberg, Groep Wetenschap & Technologie KU Leuven, Afdeling Sterrenkunde